Sveta China Open Champion
Svetlana Kuznetsova defended our Champ today 6:4 6:0!! Poor Amèlie.. i think you was very tired! But i give all credit to Kuzy!! She played really well and deserves this title!!! Btw. it's the 2nd title in 2 weeks!! Wow that's cool!!
Sveta jumps now in the WTA-Ranking on position #4!!
So, and now a good thing forus austrian fans!!
Tamira Paszek, our 15-year-old talent, won today the slovenien open final against camerin 7:5 6:1!! Wow, Congratulation!! With 15 years the first WTA-title!! I think Austria is proud of you =)
Sveta jumps now in the WTA-Ranking on position #4!!
So, and now a good thing for
Tamira Paszek, our 15-year-old talent, won today the slovenien open final against camerin 7:5 6:1!! Wow, Congratulation!! With 15 years the first WTA-title!! I think Austria is proud of you =)
allezamelie - 24. Sep, 23:29